Chapter 3 Hydrostatics - forces exerted by water bodies

When water is motionless its weight exerts a pressure on surfaces with which it is in contact. The force is function of the density of the fluid and the depth.

The Clywedog dam by Nigel Brown, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Figure 3.1: The Clywedog dam by Nigel Brown, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

3.1 Pressure and force

A consideration of all of the forces acting on a particle in a fluid in equilibrium produces Equation (3.1). \[\begin{equation} \frac{dp}{dz}=-{\gamma} \tag{3.1} \end{equation}\] where \(p\) is pressure (\(p=F/A\)), \(z\) is height measured upward from a datum, and \({\gamma}\) is the specific weight of the fluid (\(\gamma={\rho}g\)). Rewritten using depth (downward from the water surface), \(h\), produces Equation (3.2). \[\begin{equation} h=\frac{p}{\gamma} \tag{3.2} \end{equation}\]

Example 3.1 Find the force on the bottom of a 0.4 m diameter barrel filled with (20 \(^\circ\)C) water for barrel heights from 0.5 m to 1.5 m.

area <- pi/4*0.4^2
gamma <- hydraulics::specwt(T = 20, units = 'SI')
heights <- seq(from=0.5, to=1.5, by=0.05)
pressures <-  gamma * heights
forces <- pressures * area
plot(forces,heights, xlab="Total force on barrel bottom, N", ylab="Depth of water, m", type="l")
Force on barrel bottom.

Figure 3.2: Force on barrel bottom.

The linear relationship is what was expected.

3.2 Force on a plane area

For a submerged flat surface, the magnitude of the hydrostatic force can be found using Equation (3.3). \[\begin{equation} F={\gamma}y_c\sin{\theta}A={\gamma}h_cA \tag{3.3} \end{equation}\]

The force is located as defined by Equation (3.4). \[\begin{equation} y_p=y_c+\frac{I_c}{y_cA} \tag{3.4} \end{equation}\]

The variables correspond to the definitions in Figure 3.3.
Forces on a plane area, by Ertunc, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Figure 3.3: Forces on a plane area, by Ertunc, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The location of the centroid and the moment of inertia, \(I_c\) for some common shapes are shown in Figure 3.4 (Moore, J. et al., 2022). The variables correspond to the definitions in Figure 3.4.
Centroids and moments of inertia for common shapes

Figure 3.4: Centroids and moments of inertia for common shapes

Example 3.2 A 6 m long hinged gate with a width of 1 m (into the paper) is at an angle of 60o and is held in place by a horizontal cable. Plot the tension in the cable, \(T\), as the water depth, \(h\), varies from 0.1 to 4 m in depth. Ignore the weight of the gate.

Reservoir with hinged gate (Olivier Cleyne, CC0 license, via Wikimedia Commons)

Figure 3.5: Reservoir with hinged gate (Olivier Cleyne, CC0 license, via Wikimedia Commons)

The surface area of the gate that is wetted is \(A=L{\cdot}w=\frac{h{\cdot}w}{\sin(60)}\). The wetted area is rectangular, so \(h_c=\frac{h}{2}\). The magnitude of the force uses (3.3): \[F={\gamma}h_cA={\gamma}\frac{h}{2}\frac{h{\cdot}w}{\sin(60)}\]

The distance along the plane from the water surface to the centroid of the wetted area is \(y_c=\frac{1}{2}\frac{h}{\sin(60)}\). The moment of inertia for the rectangular wetted area is \(I_c=\frac{1}{12}w\left(\frac{h}{\sin(60)}\right)^3\).

Taking moments about the hinge at the bottom of the gate yields \(T{\cdot}6\sin(60)-F{\cdot}\left(\frac{h}{\sin(60)}-y_p\right)=0\) or \(T=\frac{F}{6\cdot\sin(60)}\left(\frac{h}{\sin(60)}-y_p\right)\)

These equations can be used in R to create the desired plot.

gate_length <- 6.0
w <- 1.0
theta <- 60*pi/180  #convert angle to radians
h <- seq(from=0.1, to=4.1, by=0.25)
gamma <- hydraulics::specwt(T = 20, units = 'SI')
area <- h*w/sin(theta)
hc <- h/2
Force <- gamma*hc*area
yc <- (1/2)*h/(sin(theta))
Ic <- (1/12)*w*(h/sin(theta))^3
yp <- yc + (Ic/(yc*area))
Tension <- Force/(gate_length*sin(theta)) * (h/sin(theta) - yp)
plot(Tension,h, xlab="Cable tension, N", ylab="Depth of water, m", type="l")

3.3 Forces on curved surfaces

For forces on curved surfaces, the procedure is often to calculate the vertical, \(F_V\), and horizontal, \(F_H\), hydrostatic forces separately. \(F_H\) is simpler, since it is the horizontal force on a (plane) vertical projection of the submerged surface, so the methods of Section 3.2 apply.

The vertical component, \(F_V\), for a submerged surface with water above has a magnitude of the weight of the water above it, which acts through the center of volume. For a curved surface with water below it the magnitude of \(F_V\) is the volume of the ‘mising’ water that would be above it, and the force acts upward.

Forces on curved surfaces, by Ertunc, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Figure 3.6: Forces on curved surfaces, by Ertunc, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A classic example of a curved surface in civil engineering hydraulics is a radial (or Tainter) gate, as in Figure 3.7.
Radial gates on the Rogue River, OR.

Figure 3.7: Radial gates on the Rogue River, OR.

To simplify the geometry, a problem is presented in Example 3.3 where the gate meets the base at a horizontal angle.

Example 3.3 A radial gate with radius R=6 m and a width of 1 m (into the paper) controls water. Find the horizontal and vertical hydrostatic forces for depths, \(h\), from 0 to 6 m.

The horizontal hydrostatic force is that acting on a rectangle of height \(h\) and width \(w\): \[F_H=\frac{1}{2}{\gamma}h^2w\] which acts at a height of \(y_c=\frac{h}{3}\) from the bottom of the gate.

The vertical component has a magnitude equal to the weight of the ‘missing’ water indicated on the sketch. The calculation of its volume requires the area of a circular sector minus the area of a triangle above it. The angle, \(\theta\) is found using geometry to be \({\theta}=cos^{-1}\left(\frac{R-h}{R}\right)\). Using the equations for areas of these two components as in Figure 3.4, the following is obtained: \[F_V={\gamma}w\left(\frac{R^2\theta}{2}-\frac{R-h}{2}R\sin{\theta}\right)\]

The line of action of \(F_V\) can be determined by combining the components for centroids of the composite shapes, again following Figure 3.4. Because the line of action of the resultant force on a curcular gate must pass through the center of the circle (since hydrostatic forces always act normal to the gate), the moments about the hinge of \(F_H\) and \(F_V\) must equal zero. \[\sum{M}_{hinge}=0=F_H\left(R-h/3\right)-F_V{\cdot}x_c\] This produces the equation: \[x_c=\frac{F_H\left(R-h/3\right)}{F_V}\] These equations can be solved in many ways, such as the following.

R <- units::set_units(6.0, m)
w <- units::set_units(1.0, m)
gamma <- hydraulics::specwt(T = 20, units = 'SI', ret_units = TRUE)
h <- units::set_units(seq(from=0, to=6, by=1), m)
#angle in radians throughout, units not needed
theta <- units::drop_units(acos((R-h)/R)) 
area <- h*w/sin(theta)
Fh <- (1/2)*gamma*h^2*w
yc <- h/3
Fv <- gamma*w*((R^2*theta)/2 - ((R-h)/2) * R*sin(theta))
xc <- Fh*(R-h/3)/Fv
Ftotal <- sqrt(Fh^2+Fv^2)
tibble::tibble(h=h, Fh=Fh, yc=yc, Fv=Fv, xc=xc, Ftotal=Ftotal)
#> # A tibble: 7 × 6
#>     h      Fh    yc      Fv     xc  Ftotal
#>   [m]     [N]   [m]     [N]    [m]     [N]
#> 1   0      0  0          0  NaN         0 
#> 2   1   4896. 0.333  22041.   1.26  22578.
#> 3   2  19585. 0.667  60665.   1.72  63748.
#> 4   3  44067. 1     108261.   2.04 116886.
#> 5   4  78341. 1.33  161583.   2.26 179573.
#> 6   5 122408. 1.67  218398.   2.43 250363.
#> 7   6 176268. 2     276881.   2.55 328228.