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Tabulates into a tibble the basic water properties: density, dynamic and kinematic viscosity, saturation vapor pressure, surface tension, and bulk modulus.


water_table(units = c("SI", "Eng"), ret_units = TRUE)



character vector that contains the system of units [options are SI for International System of Units and Eng for English (US customary) units. This is used for compatibility with iemisc package


If set to TRUE the value(s) returned are of class units with units attached to the value. [Default is TRUE]


Ed Maurer


water_table(units = 'SI')
#> # A tibble: 21 × 8
#>    Temp  Density Spec_Weight Viscosity  Kinem_Visc Sat_VP Surf_Tens   Bulk_Mod
#>     [C] [kg/m^3]     [N/m^3] [N*s/m^2]     [m^2/s]   [Pa]     [N/m]       [Pa]
#>  1    0    1000.       9809.  0.00173  0.00000173    611.    0.0757 2020000000
#>  2    5    1000.       9810.  0.00150  0.00000150    873.    0.0749 2060000000
#>  3   10    1000.       9807.  0.00131  0.00000131   1228.    0.0742 2100000000
#>  4   15     999.       9801.  0.00115  0.00000115   1706.    0.0735 2140000000
#>  5   20     998.       9793.  0.00102  0.00000102   2339.    0.0727 2180000000
#>  6   25     997.       9781.  0.000911 0.000000913  3170.    0.0720 2220000000
#>  7   30     996.       9768.  0.000817 0.000000821  4247.    0.0712 2250000000
#>  8   35     994.       9752.  0.000738 0.000000742  5629.    0.0704 2265000000
#>  9   40     992.       9734.  0.000670 0.000000675  7385.    0.0696 2280000000
#> 10   45     990.       9714.  0.000611 0.000000617  9595.    0.0688 2285000000
#> # ℹ 11 more rows