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Creates a system curve for a piping system using the static head and a coefficient.


systemcurve(hs = NULL, K = NULL, units = c("SI", "Eng"))



Numeric value of the static head [\(m\) or \(ft\)]


Numeric value of the coefficient in the equation \(h = hs + {K}{Q}^2\) where Q has units of \(m^3 s^{-1}\) or \(ft^3 s^{-1}\)


character vector that contains the system of units [options are SI for International System of Units and Eng for English (US customary) units.


Returns an object of class systemcurve consisting of a list including:

  • curve - a function defining the system curve

  • eqn - a character vector of the equation for the curve

  • units - the units system passed to the function


Ed Maurer


#Input in Eng units. Coefficient can be calculated manually or using 
#other package functions for friction loss in a pipe system using \eqn{Q=1}
ans <- darcyweisbach(Q = 1,D = 20/12, L = 3884, ks = 0.0005, nu = 1.23e-5, units = "Eng")
#> hf missing: solving a Type 1 problem
systemcurve(hs = 30, K = ans$hf, units = "Eng")
#> $curve
#> function (x) 
#> hs + x^2 * K
#> <bytecode: 0x557060008cd0>
#> <environment: 0x557060008790>
#> $eqn
#> [1] "h == 30 + 0.16*Q^2"
#> $units
#> [1] "Eng"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "systemcurve"