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Tabulates into a tibble some properties of the standard atmosphere: temperature, density, and pressure.


atmos_table(units = c("SI", "Eng"), ret_units = TRUE)



character vector that contains the system of units [options are SI for International System of Units and Eng for English (US customary) units.


If set to TRUE the value(s) returned are of class units with units attached to the value. [Default is TRUE]


Ed Maurer


atmos_table(units = 'SI')
#> # A tibble: 16 × 4
#>    Altitude   Temp Pressure  Density
#>         [m]    [C]     [Pa] [kg/m^3]
#>  1        0  15     101325     1.23 
#>  2     1000   8.50   89876.    1.11 
#>  3     2000   2.00   79501.    1.01 
#>  4     3000  -4.49   70121.    0.909
#>  5     4000 -11.0    61660.    0.819
#>  6     5000 -17.5    54048.    0.736
#>  7     6000 -24.0    47218.    0.660
#>  8     7000 -30.5    41105.    0.590
#>  9     8000 -36.9    35652.    0.526
#> 10     9000 -43.4    30801.    0.467
#> 11    10000 -49.9    26500.    0.414
#> 12    11000 -56.4    22700.    0.365
#> 13    12000 -62.9    19355.    0.321
#> 14    13000 -69.3    16421.    0.281
#> 15    14000 -75.8    13859.    0.245
#> 16    15000 -82.3    11632.    0.212