Plots the Time Series of Mid Summer Drought data. The input must be in the form of daily data, with the first data point being January 1st of a respective year.
msdGraph(x, year, peakwindow1, minwindow1,
minwindow2, peakwindow2, quantity,
window, timeVector)
- x
vector of data or xts
- year
year of interest
- peakwindow1
date in MMDD format to begin analysis (window 1)
- minwindow1
date in MMDD format to end analysis (window 1)
- minwindow2
date in MMDD format to begin analysis (window 2)
- peakwindow2
date in MMDD format to end analysis (window 2)
- quantity
number of times the filter is to be run
- window
size of filter
- timeVector
vector of dates (not needed for xts inputs)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ts <- timeseries
msdrought::msdGraph(ts, 1982)
} # }